So you've ultimately decided to take up golf and you think to yourself, how hard can it be to learn how to swing a golf club? Swinging a golf club is in effect pretty easy but swinging it the right way might take a bit of practice. A lot of citizen mistakenly think that hitting that small pock-marked ball down a huge green lawn and getting it into a small hole at the end of this wide lawn of green grass is a piece of cake. If you are Tiger Woods, yes it would be easy, but beginners need to know some of the basics first before they can compete with this golf master.
Swinging a golf club is done in four steps: the backswing, the downswing, the impact and the follow-through. Of course, before you start trying to hit the ball with these four steps, you will need to know how to properly stand in front of the ball to be able to hit it properly and how to grip your club the right way so that it won't fly off ahead of your ball on the fairway.
Your stance should have your shoulders pointing in the direction of the green and your front foot should be facing slightly to your left while your right foot should be facing directly forward. Both your feet should be located apart from each other at a distance that is almost equivalent to the width of your shoulders. Your grip should have your left hand first on the deal with with the thumb extended forward on the shaft and the right hand over it with the palm covering the left thumb.

Now that we have the stance and the grip down pat, let us then pace to the steps needed for you to learn how to swing a golf club properly. First is the backswing. Manufacture sure that the club head is facing forward first, bring back your club over your shoulder until the shaft is directly over your right shoulder. The downswing should follow the path that your backswing took and should be done in a fluid request for retrial that is swift and smooth. When doing the downswing, transfer your weight towards your target with the natural forward movement of your legs and hips.
The last two steps for learning how to swing a golf club involve the impact of the club head on the ball and the follow-through. When hitting the ball, make sure that the club is in a straight line that runs right up your forward arm. With the club face pointed at the intended target which is the golf ball, charge it quickly. The follow-through is simply the forward movement of the club after you hit the ball. This swing should bring the club directly over your shoulder and behind you as you are now facing in the direction where your ball is heading. You may need to custom this swing in a driving range to get yourself used to doing it the right way.
How to Swing a Golf Club Properly - The Basic Steps For Beginners