March 17, 2012

Get Rich Working From Home

Wake Up And Get Rich

As you read this article, you will way a lot of information. How useful will that data be for you particularly?

Will it be relevant to you right now? Will it turn you?

That's a selection that you alone can make. But before we get right into it, let me preface our time together by saying, Some of what you read may provoke you in one way or another. For me, that's a good thing, because if something that you read stirs accord in your heart, that something is alerting your concentration for a good reason.

Seriously, how can one report going out to tens of thousands of people, be exactly what you want, need, have searched for... To fill in the blanks in your life?

Can this be the penultimate life changing sense for you... The one that actually gets you excited, stimulated, motivated, standing on the chair punching the air ... Considered to take the first step to where ever it is you want to go?

I don't know what's going on for you right now, so honestly, I can't retort that. Only you can!

I do know that every book you read, every Cd you listen to, every Dvd you watch will publish at least one gem of data or inspiration that's meant just for you, where you are, at that moment.

My want here is for you to attract as much value as potential from this one session.

Can I offer you a way to publish more than just one or two gems? Does that recommend high value for you?

If you select to open up to that context, I ask you to complete a few exercises throughout the course.

First exercise, you will need a sheet of note paper. So go get that now.

What sort of notepaper did you get? Is it small or large and what colour is it? Is it scrap paper torn from somewhere? Does it have columns, squares, lines, dots, borders or such printed on it? Or is it a standard piece of blank paper?

Whatever you chose, will actually give you an understanding into who you are and where you are in your life right now.

Stop reading now and think about that for a tiny or two. Write down how you feel about that on that sheet of note paper. Once you have completed this first exercise, put the notepaper in other room or in a drawer away from where you are sitting. Come back with a blank sheet of A4 paper.

Because you chose to continue, I now know that you are truly serious about development the transformation that you are finding for in your life. Thank you.

Indulge me a tiny and let's look at what you have done so far. Picked up a piece of paper and written a few pertinent observations on it. Then you put it away and picked up a sheet of blank paper as requested. So what?

If you are like most people, you chose notepaper with blue lines on a white page!

I challenge you with this question: why?

What do those lines represent?

You see, I want you to make this a new discovery, a new you. To re-invent you and I ask that you do this with a blank mind - just like that piece of blank paper. Did you select that first sheet of paper from habit, convenience, or because it has lines to guide you - convention!

Give a child a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw "animals at the zoo" for example. That child will happily draw their personal interpretation of "animals at the zoo". You might not get it straight up, but they do and that's what matters most, right?

Give a child a colouring book with a page of "animals at the zoo" and they will happily colour away, holding between the outlines and filling in the scene as directed by person other than them.

Which is the good way to grow and learn? opportunity your own imagination and unleash the free time of expression that goes with it or .. Fitting in the guidelines given by person other than you?

To re-invent you needs an openness and creativity. And you get to be selfish about it, because you're the only one complicated in the process.

Who said that you had to right in a straight line from left to right, top to bottom. Why can't you right on an angle? What's to stop you from turning the page 90 degrees to scenery format? What's to stop you marking the page anyway you want? Whose notes are these anyway? Yours! Who is this data for exactly? You!

How does that reflect on the way you live your life right now?

So why not invent you - your own way ... Originate your own path ... select your own destiny? It's actually not that scary at all!

Agreed, it is valid that our community has to have rules and regulations to survive and produce harmony. But, have those rules and regulations been the same for the last 2,000 years?

Of course not. So what happened? Our history books report the actions of hundreds of population who understood what "Blue lines on a white page" signifies.

Driven by a passion to conduce to a good society, (in ways big and small) they transformed the world - not just for their time, but for all time!

Today, you are offered the same choice. You can impact the world in your own family, your own district, or the whole planet. The degree of impact is not so relevant right here, right now.

The transformation is! Your impact is the footprint that you leave behind long after you're gone.

Your destiny as an personel is to make that impact.

Can you do this by conforming to person else's opinions, beliefs, desires, lack of vision, complacency, lack of drive and lack of motivation? I'd recommend not .

Chances are that most of what has happened in your life so far is the same as "Blue lines on a white page." You just received as adequate; the guides for your mind, your way of thinking, your attitudes, your acceptance and so on.

It's all programming. Just like a computer, your mind has been trained over time to react in a predictable manner under all kinds of conditions and stimuli. Who programmed the 'computer'?

Are you consciously or unconsciously allowing these limitations to go unquestioned? It's a ended mind-set. And to date, it's probably set the context for your life - the way in which you live your life! Blue lines on a white page.

Only one inquire now.

Are you ready to Wake up and Get Rich?

The dictionary describes wake up with some meanings:

o rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping o rouse a feeling: distinct images can awaken new emotions within us. Omake person aware of something for the first time : oan act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something : the war came as a rude awakening to the hardships of life. Oformal an act of waking from sleep. O the beginning or rousing of something ocoming into existence or awareness

The dictionary defines rich as an adjective with many meanings -

Some are: opossessing great material wealth ohaving great worth or value omagnificent ohaving an abundant supply: orich in ideas. Omeaningful and requisite ocontaining a large amount of selection ingredients: orich as in unusually heavy or sweet ohaving or exuding a strong or pungent aroma ocontaining a large proportion of fuel to air: a rich gas aggregate ohighly amusing.

So which definition of rich is beating your heart right now? It all depends upon context. The context in which you have lived your life so far.

What may be more relevant is the context in which you intend to live your life from hereon in. The footprint you will leave behind.

I once worked in a major ad agency. I learned a lot at that division for which I am truly grateful. Those things have carved the path to where I am now. I particularly recall one day when the whole Australian team spent in a briefing session conducted by the International head of the agency. It was a day filled with recognition and repaymen amongst other things; including the company's vision for keen forward. One thing out of all of that has stuck in my head every day since. It was this quote, "The best way to predict the time to come is to Originate it."

I had to stop and reflect on my entire being at that moment. It actually struck accord for me and for many years it was my mantra. That one phrase challenged me to the core and transformed my reasoning from. That one gem changed my footprint.

The best way to predict the time to come is to Originate it!

Are you ready to Originate your time to come - right here - right now?

Of course you are.

So the first thing you must to is to visualise exactly what it looks like.

Visualisation is easy. It's the same as dreaming with your eyes open. And with that comes your next exercise.

If you are good at sketching, do that. Sketch all you desire. If you prefer you can use words instead of sketching. Word pictures are just as powerful. Creativity doesn't have limitations, no boundaries and no master.

With your blank paper begin. There's no place for "Blue lines on white paper" here. And either you use pictures or words, concentration to detail is very important.

For example if you desire a new home, car, yacht - whatever. invent it in detail. You must consist of locations, colours, design, textures and so on. The most tiny detail is important to the succeed of this exercise. And don"t forget to consist of you In the picture.

If it's a new work you desire, what position will you start with and where to from there 5, 10, 15 years forward. You must see your office, your achievements and the remuneration package. Every detail is important - including placing You in the picture.

Perhaps your desires spin to relationships; a spouse, a family, enterprise or life partners, whatever. You might want to cut out pictures from magazines that look like your desired partner. If you want to have children, how many, what sex, what are their names and so on. Again, every creative detail is important - including placing You in the picture.

There's no limit to the amount of desires (which equals) visualisations you put on paper.

You can select to pause here or do the exercise after you have ended the recording. In either case, take as much time as you need to complete the task.

The best way to predict the time to come is to Originate it. So get creative!

Pause now. How was that exercise for you? Did it actually put a laser-like focus on your dreams and desires?

So let's continue to Wake Up and Get Rich.

Where does every fortune come from? The retort is an idea or a passionate desire. Where do ideas come from? The retort is imaginations. And every one of us has an imagination. So every one of us - yes - even you - can Originate a fortune. all you need to make it real is already inside you. You have the skill and the capability already, it's built in.

What you are finding for is a plan. See, now that have completed the visualisation exercise, you have uncovered your real desires. Once you have completed the visualisation exercise, you most surely have given tactile form to the intangible desires. Desire is the first step to achieving the results you want for your life. In other words, you have created step one in your plan for its realisation.

Now here's the recipe for steps 2 onward.

Basically, imagination leads to ideas. Ideas plus specialised knowledge equals rich success. (I'll improve on that shortly).

It actually is that simple. You have the ideas and you want the rich success. Now all you need to do is put specialised knowledge into performance and you are guaranteed to succeed.

Every one of us has the potential capability to earn more. "Earn" can be many things. Refer to the earlier definition of rich if you like.

To earn more, you just have to succeed a proven path.

I said before that you have all you need to build a fortune already inside you. The skills and the knowledge are in your rights right now!

The biggest skill you have is knowing how to way the knowledge. One of the richest men on the planet spends 26 hours a week reading books. He's a billionaire twice over and he dedicates equivalent hours to one day a week to way knowledge. He himself is an author of many books. He is Donald Trump.

What's knowledge anyway?

How about this: facts, data and skills acquired by a person straight through sense or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

So with reference to your plan, it's you cashing in on one person's or a amount of people's hard won sense on the subject you're investigating.

You get what you need in an instant.

In the majority of cases it's taken them years of trial and tribulation and/or of pain and suffering to obtain that knowledge.

In other words, you cash in for free! Specialised data that will take you to the next step. It's gifted cash in the bank, a gift that keeps on giving!

But this gift has terms and conditions attached. That is; the gift will remain dormant until you give it life. How's that done? Just open your mind and put the knowledge into Action.

Knowledge without performance is a book. Knowledge with performance is power!

That power will take you wherever you want to go in this universe, every tiny of every day for the rest of your life.

Huge! Take a breath and let's summarise that last section.

Each of us has the potential capability to earn more: it starts with your creative talent (desires=visualisations) you use a proven system (follow a proven path and way knowledge) knowledge with performance is power apply organised planning

Desire (imagination) leads to ideas. Ideas planned with the exact application of specialised knowledge in performance equals rich success... Guaranteed.

Believe it! It is a guaranteed formula.

Right now you're probably thinking, "Yeah right Ken, nobody can warrant anything." And with that is the fundamental flaw in the system you have used to get you to this point in your life. And, by the way, it's done well to get you here, so applaud it.

What it's telling you today is; that it is now time for a new strategy, so pay concentration to what I am saying.

I ask you to retort a concentrate of questions with sincere honesty. You don' need to write the answers down or even discuss them with anything but yourself.

First question: "Are you failure minded or success minded?"

The retort is most likely observed in the way in which you partake in life. If you take no risks, you are more likely pre-conditioned to be failure minded. The converse is commonly the case for success minded people.

Second question: Is the fear of comment bigger than your desire for success? The retort to that inquire is most likely observed by the population you hang out with. The one's whose opinions you "say" don't necessarily matter to you - but most likely that's not the case. If you don't have the bank list of your dreams, look at who you are spending most of your time with. Blue lines on a white page! I have many population I dearly love in that situation and I have made it my life's purpose to make them rich too. I could not do that if I personally hadn't made the transformation from a "failure mind" to a " success mind."

It's a fact - do the maths: Rich population hang out with rich population most of the time. Like attracts like. Iron sharpens iron.

I have driven out of my life the fear of criticism. My desire for success is insurmountably bigger. It began when I read the book co-authored by Robert Kyosaki and Donald Trump entitled, "Why We Want You To Be Rich." The title had me contemplating, "Why would these self-made multi-millionaires take time out of their life, so mine would be much, much richer?" Without consciously knowing it, I was already accessing knowledge and putting it into action.

If you want the retort to the former question, I recommend you buy a copy or borrow it from your local library.

In the book, they make some very pertinent points that have since reshaped my thinking. For the first time I actually understood my personal programming.

For one, our instruction system is designed primarily for one clear outcome. So every person has the selection to earn an income, equivalent to providing the essentials for life. That is clearly an honourary outcome. It does means however, that the majority of population work for a living and in today's world, it's a week to week - just getting by with wages in transfer for labour. Most population wouldn't survive for four weeks if their revenue suddenly stopped. Do you want to stop and think about that for a minute?

I did and ended that it truly is a debilitating thought. A prime example of failure consciousness versus success consciousness. I was programmed for working for an existence.

Blue lines on a white page.

Bread crumbs when a feast was available to me and to every person else on the planet. But here's what I observed:

The enterprise world is structured to keep those with a poverty mindset in employment to serve the corporate economy. Again, I see much honour in that because it actually fills a requisite purpose. Yet, I get a tiny edgy when I see corporate capitalism greedily praying on the poverty mindset.

It is an abundant world, no question. Greed is the devil's workshop.

Freedom from greed is so easy. Feed others to feed yourself - abundantly. A message I later realised was incommunicable between the lines of Kyosaki and Trump's book. Part way to answering the inquire posed in the book title.

One of the highest honours available to us today has been nearby since day one and will remain the highest honour until the last day. That is: to be of aid to others. The most men and women in history have all been servants of the collected people. So what made them who they were? They were all rich in one or complicated ways. Their fear of comment was non-existent because their desire for success or a flourishing outcome infinitely more powerful. They were leaders. All flourishing population are leaders.

Just like you, they came to a point in their lives where they chose to transform themselves. They chose to bring their desires into reality as opposed to remaining in mediocrity. Success consciousness won over failure conscious.

There are only two categories of population in the world.

Leaders and followers.

Which one do you select to be?

Yes, select to be, because leaders are not born - they are created. Everyone, every one of us has the selection to be a leader. We already have the skills and capability programmed inside us. Let's go back to the corporate world to illustrate this better.

In any corporation there are (broad) ranks, namely; Ceo, Cfo, Senior Management, Middle Management, Supervisors, Teams. Did the Ceo leave school and come to be the head of that corporation the next day? Of course not. Did the Senior management personnel leave school and start in their position the next day? Of course not. Did the Middle management personnel leave school and start in their position the next day? Of course not. You can fill in the dots from here.

The pertinent inquire is, if they all started in a team at the lowest of the corporate pyramid, how did the Ceo, Senior management and so on, move toward the top while every person else stayed below them?

Answer: Blue lines on a blank page.

Desire (imagination) leads to ideas. Ideas planned with the exact application of specialised knowledge in performance equals rich success... Guaranteed.

They learned how to be keen followers first and with the application of a success consciousness and a focussed plan they burst out of mediocrity to come to be top revenue earners. Leaders in their field with a remuneration box to fit their talent. Do you think that if the Ceo of any major corporation would suffer if he or she suddenly stopped working for that company. actually not! They have already set themselves up for life. In reserve of their honour, they lead corporations to success so that the millions of population at the lower layers of the corporate pyramid can way gainful employment. That's the system we have been educated to understand and conform into. Personally, I'm very grateful that it was there for me when I needed it.

Okay, you don't need to be a mathematician to understand that the corporate pyramid can only hold the place for one Ceo, a concentrate of Senior Managers, a few more Middle Managers and so on. The majority of population have to be workers on the lowest wages for the system to work. A point also well visible in the Kyosaki/Trump book.

So how do you, "Wake up and Get Rich?"

Firstly, use the system to your advantage. Don't give up your day job. There's dozens of easy, tried and true ways to make money in this world and that's the subject of my next article. All are proven systems that work and you can adopt any amount of them to fulfill your dreams. However, not one of them will work for you until you transform yourself.

Right now I am keen you to reassess your current way of thinking. Originate a new paradigm that fits your plan perfectly. I recommend a paradigm where your reality becomes development the impossible happen.

It's probably fair to say that all that has happened in your life until now is "Blue lines on a white page." There is nothing but honour in that.

But the message it's shouting at you is, "Now Is ... Your time for transformation." It's the next step in your master plan.

Get Rich Working From Home

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